Plan Your Visit

Sunday Morning

Prayer Time 8:30 AM

Sunday School 9:30 AM

Morning Worship 10:30 AM

Sunday Evening

Evening Service 6:00 PM

Wednesday Evening

Prayer Time 6:15 PM

Evening Service 7:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you describe your services? The heart of our services is God-centered worship beginning with a traditional hymn-style song service and then we make the Bible the focal point. Our pastor primarily focuses on expository preaching through books of the Bible, with a different series for each service. We strive not only to be God-honoring in our presentation and style but to have relevant applications for everyday spiritual living for all ages.

Which version of the Bible do you use? We use the King James Version of the Bible. Because the Bible is such an important part of our services, as well as our primary authority, we have chosen to concentrate on one translation. The King James Bible has been a preserved translation for English-speaking people for centuries now. We believe a timeless, proven standard can be preached and explained in a way that everyone can understand.

What do children do during the services? On Sunday mornings we offer Sunday School and then during the Worship Service we provide a children’s church service for ages 4 years old through the 5th grade. This service is conducted by well-trained and experienced teachers. While we offer these classes, we understand some families enjoy attending all services together and we encourage you to do what is comfortable for your family. A nursery is provided for infants through three years old by women who have been screened and trained for church-service childcare. We also have a nursing mother’s cry room available for those mothers needing to use it.

What type of Baptist Church are you? We are a local independent Baptist church that does not have any other affiliations with any other Baptist organizations, although we do fellowship and attend other meetings such as men’s meetings, ladies’ meetings, youth rallies, and activities with other Baptist churches of similar practices and beliefs.

What do you have to offer my family? We try to strike a balance between family time and church activities. That means we strive not to fragment the family too much. At our church, you will find something for everyone without feeling an obligation to give up several nights a week. We like to offer many activities where families can serve the Lord together.

What do you have for single people? Our church is comprised of people of all ages, stages, and walks of life including many young single adults, single-again adults, widows, and widowers. We have our single adults mixed in with the adult class that we offer every week on Sunday morning. We find our single adults feel comfortable integrating themselves in the service and work of the Lord alongside everyone else and are still growing spiritually in their own walk with God.